Our aim is to provide a place where injured Veterans and their families can come to relax, engage and achieve success, knowing they are in the good company of like-minded people.
We have worked tirelessly with our architects and Cheshire West and Chester Council to establish a comprehensive plan for our first rural site. We are extremely proud of how our facility is developing and we are introducing the most forward thinking wheelchair friendly amenities of any similar resource in the UK.
When you visit our facility we want you to feel amazing. It is important to us that your stay with us exceeds your expectations and your experience is truly life changing.
We also believe our environment is unique and our strategy takes into consideration the finest detail of the challenges facing our planet. We plan is to utilise sustainable products and energy-efficient technology to the greatest effect so the foot print on our environment is minimal.
At the heart of the rural site is going to be our Centre of Excellence. Here we’ll deliver formal and informal presentations, workshops, learning sessions and tutorials designed to stimulate and challenge you. The work conducted in the Central Hub will enable our members to transition to civilian life more easily and inspire them to overcome the limitations of injury and health issues. Our role is to be there and support them to make their dreams a reality.
Our facility will focus on our members well-being and equip them with the skills needed to develop themselves beyond their wildest expectations.